"We are very satisfied not only by how quickly we have received records back from providers, but also by how responsive the Medchart team is with our questions. We’d recommend Medchart to every personal injury firm."

Aaron Quirarte

Case Manager

Smith & Benowitz

"All requests are processed quickly and efficiently. I highly recommend Medchart to anyone who regularly needs to obtain medical records and bills."

James Browning, Jr.


Hernandez & Browning

"The biggest win from Medchart has definitely been cutting down on the amount of time I’ve had to spend following up on medical record & bill requests. This has been extremely beneficial in my day to day, freeing up time for more pressing case matters."

Jenny DeLong

Legal Assistant

Brylak Law

"Knowing our requests are being taken care of by Medchart is the definition of peace of mind. If I have any questions I can easily log in and see the follow-ups myself, no time wasted making phone calls and sitting on hold."

Micaela Perez

Legal Assistant

Brylak Law

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